Cybersecurity Threat Statistics

Malware Statistics:

  • Global Malware Infections:
    • In 2021, there were over 1.5 billion malware attacks detected worldwide.
    • Millions of new malware variants are discovered each month.
  • Financial Impact:
    • Malware attacks cost businesses billions of dollars annually.
    • Ransomware attacks have caused losses exceeding hundreds of millions of dollars.
  • Targeted Sectors:
    • Industries such as healthcare, finance, government, and small businesses are prime targets.

Phishing Statistics:

  • Phishing Emails:
    • In 2021, over 300 billion phishing emails were sent globally.
    • About 85% of organizations experienced a phishing attack.
  • Success Rates:
    • Phishing attacks can have success rates as high as 30% for targeted campaigns.
  • Industry Impact:
    • Financial institutions, tech companies, and healthcare organizations are top targets.

Social Engineering Statistics:

  • Common Methods:
    • Social engineering attacks contribute to about 60% of data breaches.
    • Email remains the most common vector for these attacks.
  • Human Error:
    • Up to 95% of successful cyberattacks involve some form of human error.

SQL Injection Statistics:

  • Vulnerability Prevalence:
    • SQL Injection vulnerabilities are found in about 8% to 15% of web applications.
  • Attack Frequency:
    • SQL Injection attacks account for about 10% to 15% of reported web application attacks.
  • Impact:
    • Successful SQL Injection attacks can lead to severe data breaches and system compromises.

General Cybersecurity Trends:

  • Remote Work Impact:
    • The shift to remote work has increased cyber threats targeting home networks and devices.
  • Increase in Ransomware:
    • Ransomware attacks have surged with a 151% increase from 2019 to 2020.
    • The average ransom demand has risen significantly, often reaching millions of dollars.
  • Mobile Device Threats:
    • Thousands of new malicious mobile apps are discovered each year.


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